"To obtain the truth, justice and a safe and permenant cleanup of the IEL toxic waste dump to mitigate exposures to prevent future illnesses."

Concerned Citizens Lake Township

7/16/06 to Steve Johnson, US EPA

Posted by on Feb 19, 2014 in Letters | Comments Off on 7/16/06 to Steve Johnson, US EPA

Sent Via Fax : 2 page letter with 1 page attachment
July 17th, 2006


Mr. Steve Johnson – US EPA Administrator
c/o Ms. Lori Dnbriel
Washington, D.C.

Dear Administrator Johnson:

Since last October, we have written to you seeking your personal involvement regarding our site, Uniontown Industrial Excess Landfill Superfund Site, raising serious questions that we strongly believe have national policy implications concerning radiation and Cold War waste material. To date, we have yet to receive from EPA responses that are scientifically supportable. Rather, you have allowed Region 5 and NAREL, which are hardly considered to be impartial or objective regarding IEL, to “recycle” old, outdated opinions that are not consistent with good science found within either DOE, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, your own agency’s R&D department or the MARLAP Manual.. Moreover, a reporter learned by making a few phone calls, that the majority of the panel members from the EPA IEL Science Advisory Board (SAB) didn’t even believe that they were qualified to discuss radiation testing methods. Yet, inexplicably, Mr. Mike Cook, head of EPA Superfund, recycled this same SAB report’s conclusions back at us on your behalf, (even though it is now clear it should be considered null and void) – ignoring this concern about the SAB usage when it was also expressed by national organizations, POGO and AFSC in the joint letter they sent to you dated 4/12/06 concerning IEL radiation. Administrator Johnson, given the very serious nature of our case and the recent findings of experts hired with a $50,000 grant ( please see our web site provided on the cover page) we are compelled to again seek scientifically supportable answers that can be peer reviewed. Please respond in writing to the following key issues:

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4/18/06 to Steve Johnson, US EPA

Posted by on Feb 19, 2014 in Letters | Comments Off on 4/18/06 to Steve Johnson, US EPA

Sent Via Fax c/o Lori Burble cc: Liz Cotsworth
April 18th, 2006

Steven Johnson – US EPA Administrator
Washington, D.C.

Re: Response to Region 5 US EPA’s Karl letter dated March 22″d concerning IEL Plutonium & related issues

Dear Administrator Johnson:

We continue to be dismayed that you are deferring letters seeking your office’s intervention back to Region 5: Clearly, the Region is not an impartial entity, to say the least. Please find the following responses to Mr. Karl’s responses written on your behalf.

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